Understanding Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, occurs when fatty deposits clog the leg arteries. This buildup of plaque causes the arteries to harden and narrow. This process is called atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis in the leg arteries reduces blood flow to the legs and feet. It causes poor blood circulation.

Are you worried about your risk of PAD? Have you been told you need surgery or limb amputation, and want an expert opinion? Fill out the form and download our PAD information. You'll learn:

  • Common signs and symptoms
  • Why you should choose Vanderbilt Health

Have you already been diagnosed with PAD? If so, download our treatment guide here.

Knowing the early signs and symptoms can help prevent the need for more significant PAD treatments. If you’re feeling pain while walking, or have ulcers or sores on your feet, it might be time for medical attention. We’re here to help you every step of the way so you can feel better as soon as possible.

We understand that your needs are unique. You’ll receive a treatment plan personalized for you. We offer many types of care, to focus on your quality of life. Our goal is to get you back on your feet as soon as possible. We want to help you walk without pain and avoid losing a limb.

If you live in Tennessee, you have the choice to use telehealth for your initial consultation.